Let's play together, CoPlay
Share your robot and experience with the world
A great way to enjoy
and experience
cool robots
By simply connecting to CoPlay,
you can share your robots with the world
Do you have a fun robot you treasure?
Show your robots for the global friends from all
over the world to play remotely
Create your
robot account on CoPlay
Register your robot on CoPlay platform, and share the cool experience with people from all over the world.
Share your robot
with friends
on CoPlay
On CoPLay, people can view various robots and choose to control from a remote location. You can also create fun games and missions for the users to play with your robot.
Unique Exeprience with Robots
Similar to controlling virtual avatars, you can remotely control robots in other locations. Experience the vivid sense of operating robot devices.
Our ultra-low delay technology made it possible to have Real-time video transmission without a pause.
CoPlay platform allows vairous robot deveices operate offering richer robot experience.
Earn money by sharing your robot and fun robot games on the platform.
CoPlay Utilization Case 01
Remotely controlled RC Racing Game using CoPlay
32 Players at Pangyo Startup Campus controlled RC cars at Mars Experience Racing Stadium using WiFi, LTE, and 5G networks.
CoPlay Utilization Case 02
2022 Coplay Remote Robot Competition
Rehearsal matches for the launch of the 2023 K-Play service have been held in Pangyo, Korea, and Yokohama, Japan since September 2022. At two stadiums in Korea and four stadiums in Japan, about 100 players Competed remotely in three sports, including block shots, penalty shootouts and no-push. The robot used in the CoPlay 2022 game is an ultra-small robot that anyone can make with block coding boards and Lego.
Pangyo, Korea
Yokohama, Japan